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Hi! Our shop where you can purchase our movies via bank card is temporary under reconstruction. The estimation time we come back the shop for you is two weeks. Now you can purchase our movies directly or via crypto. Our production works fine in the regular mode, we are making customs films and take new ones. Soon our shop will work again as usual!
Customers about us

«Hell House» Customer Stephen Collier
«I have just finished watching Hell House and I can't believe how spectacular it was. It seriously looked like a full-fledged movie. The actors all gave outstanding performances and the death scenes were all fairly solid. I really loved the locations and I was particularly impressed with Tatiana's death scene in the sauna and Keila's strangulation scene in the bedroom!
I thank you for being patient with me and my questions. With so much money invested in the project, I was kind of wanting to stay informed with the progress of the making of Hell House. Thank you for understanding and I hope I didn't annoy you too much.
Hell House is without a doubt proof positive that yours is the best production studio in our niche community. You have far surpassed your competitors in quality.»
Stephen Collier

«Cruel Crazy Bitches» Customer
Many thanks for the excellent film. The quality and the implementation of my fantasies are incredibly successful. I am also convinced of the acting performances. My wishes were implemented 100% in the film. I will come back to your company in the future. Thank you very much.

«ANNUAL FEAST» fiction movie
Hello Ugine,
this film is the absolute highlight of my cannibal films.
You have implemented this once again terrific. That's how I love it.
You are the greatest. I love working with you. You always execute my script faithfully. And the actresses are another highlight. Very beautiful super sexy.
I will create a new script soon.
Looking forward to the next collaboration.
Thank you for letting me be a VIP.

Guards Under Attack 2: Failed Revenge
Hi, Ugine...
I just watched and it is simply brilliant!
Really sexy clothes of both girls that reveals their hot figures. Bella's belt is very nice. I like that her clothes is
simple and natural but the high heals express seducing eroticism.
Both actresses play their roles very good - Bella is eager and courageous and Judi is cynical and indifferent.
Exactly as it should be.
The perfect poses both before shootout (Bella's kneeling) and during the action.
Judi fires like it was just usual situation with no danger. It is really sexy.
Main element was reached perfectly: hot girls' dresses and their cuteness contrasting with cruel and bloody end.
And last but not least I must mention the place!
The cold concrete and graffiti in which the tender and sexy girls meet their
fate makes the whole movie very raw and hot.
So big thanks and congratulations. You and your team again made fantastic movie!

''Archer'' SeriaCustomer (Bob Crane)
Once again “Dark Rooms” has done a spectacular job bringing to life (or maybe death) the next chapter. They are amazing how they can transform a story beyond your expectations. The entire cast did a wonderful job with their parts. The death scenes are a reason for coming back for more. Kudos on another well done effort and great editing and effects! Your hard work producing these really shows….

''Nangled Nighmare''Customer
Wow!!! I want to thank the entire Crime House crew for their superb treatment of my homage to 1980s exploitation horror!! Everything is spot-on - the cinematography, the ambient music, the lighting. And the special effects are phenomenal - on the same level as a 1980s mainstream horror movie!!! Very proud of this custom, and Crime House delivered!!! They truly understand what a customer is wanting out of a custom video. And once again, Crime House exceeded my expectations!!!!! Kudos to Li for a great performance!! Awesome job!! And THANK YOU!!!!!! I LOVE this custom!!!!!!

"Divas" Customer
It’s outstanding! Your team and the actresses did a superb job - it’s a very classy production and edit (love the music too!) and it’s my favourite custom so far. Thank you!

"Mass Police Shootout" Customer
The Earth trembled, the angels were crying, the roses bloomed.
All the wishes have been met, all the goals have been achieved, all the limits have been broken.

'Inside tne Mind'Customer (xj900)
Excellent acted by all concerned as well, thank you, they really made it very convincing and believable right from the outset!

"Their Prisoner" Customer
I have to congratulate you again for the excellent quality of your filming and acting!
Thank you very much for your feedback!